Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Movie Review: Fantastic 4 - Rise of the Silver Surfer

Movie Title: Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Starring: Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, Michael Chiklis and Julian McMahon.
Directed by: Tim Story
Genre: Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi/Comic-Book Adaptation
My Rating: 6.5/10

Going by the rating I gave this movie, I think it would be wise to keep the review short as well. The movie wasn't horrible; Chiklis and McMahon acted rather well actually. Gruffud's a better actor and should go back to serious roles now that Hollywood has acknowledged the brit's acting prowess. Jessica Alba looked her worst that I've ever seen. Maybe it was the hair color or the tan, I'm not sure. I'm actually even half-hearted about taking out her Sin City poster that I have on my wall.

It's not a bad movie to watch with kids, teenagers. Not bad to wait for it to come on HBO either. The special effects were okay; the surfer character wasn't well personified. The return of Dr Doom was probably the mere saving grace of the movie, along with the Thing's wisecracks. The good thing about this movie is: you won't go in with high hopes like you may have had for spidey-3 or Shrek 3.

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